تطبيق Super Backup & Restore Pro MOD APK

The fastest data backup and restore tool on Android!
4.3/5 الأصوات: 182,005
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معلومات التعديل:

  • ميزات مميزة/مدفوعة غير مقفلة;
  • تم تعطيل/إزالة الأذونات غير المرغوب فيها + أجهزة الاستقبال + الموفرين + الخدمات;
  • رسومات مُحسَّنة ومُحسَّنة وموارد نظيفة لتحميل سريع;
  • تمت إزالة أذونات الإعلانات / الخدمات / الموفرين من Android.manifest;
  • تمت إزالة روابط الإعلانات وإلغاء طرق الاستدعاء;
  • تم تعطيل رؤية تخطيطات الإعلانات;
  • جوجل درايف كلاود يعمل;
  • تم تعطيل التحقق من حزمة تثبيت متجر Google Play Google Play Store للتثبيت;
  • تمت إزالة رمز التصحيح;
  • قم بإزالة اسم علامات .source الافتراضية لملفات java المقابلة;
  • Remove Promo button from File Transfer;
  • Remove ads icon from toolbar menu;
  • Disabled rate dialog;
  • تم تعطيل Analytics / Crashlytics / Firebase;
  • تمت إزالة مجموعة أدوات تطوير البرمجيات SDK المجمعة لإعلانات فيسبوك بالكامل;
  • Native ads removed completely;
  • لا توجد متتبعات أو إعلانات نشطة;
  • اللغات: متعدد اللغات بالكامل;
  • وحدات المعالجة المركزية: armeabi-v7a, arm64-v8a, x86, x86_64;
  • DPIs شاشة DPIs: 120 نقطة في البوصة، 160 نقطة في البوصة، 240 نقطة في البوصة، 320 نقطة في البوصة، 480 نقطة في البوصة، 640 نقطة في البوصة;
  • تم تغيير توقيع الطرد الأصلي;
  • إصدار بلاطان.


Download APK

Are you afraid of losing your data? Is your device running out of space? Super Backup and Restore can help you solve these problems. This application allows you to save your data, quickly find and restore it. Install now so you don’t have to worry about data loss anymore. This is a backup and restore tool for Android.

Super Backup and Restore is the app your Android device has been waiting for. This is an Android-only application and is not available for other operating systems. You don’t have to worry about deleting the wrong data or having data disappear automatically, because the application is a second storage that helps you save everything. Saving also saves storage space and you don’t have to worry about all the storage space cluttering your device.

In addition to backing up, you can also quickly restore your data. I need to find and save missing data on my device. If there is an application that can ensure data security and phone user safety, don’t hesitate and install it now.

Backup different types of data

Super Backup and Restore is a smart backup application with many unique features. Various types of data can be backed up. B. Backup apps, contacts, SMS, call history, etc. Many people think that saving this data is not necessary, but you may need it someday, so start saving now and use it later.

No one remembers everything in this life. Hundreds of contacts, hundreds of text messages, and hundreds of phone calls can’t be remembered, but if you save them all, you don’t need to save too much anymore. Keeping all the data is like recording our lives, but many people ignore it until now. You will regret it if you lose your precious data.

Schedule your application to work

No more wasting time running backups, Super Backup and Restore do it all for you, no more hassles. The user can manually schedule the application to automatically perform storage, and whenever there is new data, it will perform the operation on the user’s behalf.

Sometimes you forget or miss important data to save, but don’t worry as this application works automatically. However, there are some caveats. Using Task Killer or Memory Clear may automatically disable your backup application. Please install them so that they do not control this backup application.

Can record calls

An important feature of this application that should not be overlooked is call recording. Call recording helps you find out what’s important in your conversations with others. Conversations are easy to forget, but this app saves them all. However, since this is something that many people do not like, it can be set to prevent recording.

In life, there are many things to remember. Super Backup and Restore was born with a task as her second reminder to save all data. Backup is very important as it makes your data safer. If you lose your phone, you can find it in another place. Protect your data and life with this app.

لقطات الشاشة

Super Backup & Restore

الوافدون الجدد

إصلاح الخلل
Support Android 13
