Peak - Treinamento Cerebral APK [Desbloqueado]

Peak is the fun, free brain training workout designed around you. Peak uses brain games and puzzles to challenge memory, language and critical thinking to keep your mind active.
4.7/5 Votos: 508,045
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Mod Info:

  • Assinatura Pro / Recursos pagos desbloqueados;
  • Permissões indesejadas desativadas/removidas + receptores + provedores + serviços;
  • Gráficos otimizados e zipados e recursos limpos para carregamento rápido;
  • Permissões de anúncios / serviços / provedores removidos do AndroidManifest;
  • Links de anúncios removidos e métodos de invocação anulados;
  • Verificação do pacote de instalação da Google Play Store desativada;
  • Código de depuração removido;
  • Remova o nome padrão das tags .source dos arquivos java correspondentes;
  • Analytics / Crashlytics / Firebase desativados;
  • O SDK do pacote de anúncios do Facebook foi completamente removido;
  • Não há rastreadores ou anúncios ativos;
  • Modo compatível com AOSP;
  • Idiomas: Multilíngues completos;
  • CPUs: armeabi-v7a, arm64-v8a, x86, x86_64;
  • DPIs de tela: 120dpi, 160dpi, 240dpi, 320dpi, 480dpi, 640dpi;
  • A assinatura do pacote original foi alterada;
  • Lançamento da Balatan.


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Peak – Brain Games & Training is a collection of mini-games aimed at helping players improve their memory and brain processing power with different features and elements. Its content is relaxing and full of entertainment, with bite-sized levels for players to constantly improve their brain’s memory capacity. In addition, there are many additional features that allow people to practice more mundane or complex things and push their limits.

Brain Training & Relaxing Games

Peak now offers over 45 uniquely designed mini-games. Most of them are simple puzzles with randomly repeating structures that the player can adapt to all the time. All of these games can evolve on multiple levels to improve player performance. B. The scope or complexity of each question. It can also be an educational app for people to increase their vocabulary and solve puzzles with exciting points.

Test your attention with a decoder

Many players have trouble paying attention and often forget something they just saw. Therefore, the first content will be a game that improves people’s attention and memory in a professional and gentle way. The exciting thing is that they all develop naturally rather than forcing you to improve your memory with the highest efficiency compared to many current methods. Learn

Peak introduces more exercises in games to help users learn more new vocabulary quickly on their own. The system’s built-in dictionaries support many international languages, and every word reaches the player in different ways, with varying speeds and effects. Over time, new fields will unlock more vocabulary, giving people access to new kinds of knowledge.

Set goals with different expectations

Everyone who participates in this game can set many goals and strive for them and practice continuously as they progress. The practical thing about it is that the system relies on the player’s goal to provide the right lesson in the allotted time and practice the skill every day. to expand your options for improving your knowledge.

Fun Brain Training Puzzles

Peak’s special puzzles, unlike the tutorials, each have different effects on brain training and relaxation. All content is automatically regenerated with a new random structure while the player keeps moving and completes everything within the allotted time. The difficulty and scope of the puzzles will also expand over time, allowing players to enjoy the essence and relaxation.

Customize playlists for different purposes

Each game can be freely customized and personalized by genre, depending on the player’s goals. This amount of personalization allows you to focus on your weaker areas, allowing you to quickly improve and gain new experience in short lessons. Best of all, users can take offline quizzes and lessons to exercise their memory and brain anytime, anywhere.

Peak is regularly updated with new content, performance enhancements and unique features that allow everyone to train their brain skills. All content also has a wide range of customization options, giving users the freedom to personalize it or prioritize the weakest details.

Capturas de tela

Peak - Brain Training


Your brain is unique and that’s why Coach creates personal workouts just for you. But we all have specific skills we want to challenge and so we’re introducing Workout Selection. You can select from a range of workouts, each one specially created for you. Interested in language? Try our language workout! Only have 5 minutes to train? Our 5 minute Coffee Break workout is perfect!

