
Tiny Planet FX is the first Android app foradding tiny planet effects to photos—right before your eyes! Youwon’t believe how fast it is to transform the everyday images onyour Android device to exciting and interesting! The Tiny Planet FXapp provides the standard features you’ll find with most desktopapps and more to create virtually millions of effects!
If you have been settling for tiny app enhancement from acomplicated desktop application, you will appreciate everythingthat Tiny Planet FX has to offer. Tiny Planet FX lets you set yourcreativity free with instant tiny planet effects on just about anyAndroid device. In only a few seconds you can convert any photointo a tiny planet masterpiece. There are actually millions ofpossibilities! We know you will be so amazed that you will want toshare your photos with your family and friends! Tiny planet effectcan be called, wee planets, little world, Little planet, tinyworld, mini world, or small world.
Here are a few of the Tiny Planet FX features that will turn youinto a photographer extraordinaire!
✔ Full resolution support!
✔ Easier to use than desktop applications—and more featurestoo!
✔ 7 adjustment parameters – more than the standard tiny planetprocess!
✔ Apply tiny planet effects to your existing photos or with yournext photo capture!
✔ Create your own stereographic projection out of your photo!
✔ Ideal for landscape panoramic photos, but supports othertypes!
✔ Faster results than the tiny planet effect available in stockapp!
✔ Enjoy more control on final image compared to what is availablein stock app!
✔ 1-click save feature to store your photos on the SD card on yourAndroid device!
✔ Built-in crop feature so you can focus on the part of the imageyou want!
✔ Show off your awesome Tiny Planet photos with your friends viaemail or Facebook!
✔ Filter like Fisheye Effect!
✔ Small world effect!
✔ Circular worlds!
✔ Exif support.
✔ Full resolution support.
✔ Choose any directory to save your images.