PhraseMates Phrasebook [Premium]
PhraseMates contains millions of phrases translated from English to Chinese, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Japanese, Persian and Khuzdul. You can add translations to a common phrasebook and share them with other users or “mates”. If you are a beginner, no worries, just ask your mates to translate something for you.
Do you love language, travel and meeting people from other cultures?
PhraseMates contains millions of phrases translated from English to Chinese, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Japanese, Persian and Khuzdul. You can add translations to a common phrasebook and share them with other users or “mates”. If you are a beginner, no worries, just ask your mates to translate something for you.
Learn a Language
If you want to learn a language, PhraseMates is a great help. There are millions of phrases translated into a growing number of languages. Not just the typical ones you find in old-school phrasebooks like Lonely Planet, but phrases about all types of things like studying for exams, finding a youth hostel or applying for a job.
Make a Friend
Tap on the people icon in the action bar to see other users. You can display their profile by clicking on their thumbnails or ask them to translate a phrase by clicking on the menu key > Translate a Phrase. Tap on Menu > Translate Requests to help the community. Score karma points for contributing.
Expand your World
Do you remember the first time you traveled abroad? A whole new world opened up outside your home town with new people, new places and new adventures. PhraseMates puts the world in your pocket and friends across the world are just a tap away.
What's new
- Chat accounts initiated by updating to new version. Tap Mates icon in Action bar, then tap Chat icon.
- Added phrase verification to improve quality of phrases shared between users.
- Implemented edit and delete to Profile > Translation Requests.
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