BootManager v3.8.3 [Donate] [Latest]

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With this app modul you could prevent selected apps of running on system startup. Only apps with the permission BOOT_COMPLETED are shown in the list. System apps are marked with an exclamation mark.

Your device has to be rooted to install the required X-posed framework:

Description for non-developers:
Each app with permission “android.permission.RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED” is placed in a (Windows slang) “startup folder”. For my 200 installed apps that are about 33%. On system boot every of these apps gets started. Possible options:
– app shows a notification
– app starts a (hidden) service in background
– app exits again (eg user has set an option)
If you disable an app in the BootManager it does not get that event and is not started at *next system boot*.

An app still starts at system boot? Android has many other events which could start an app!
Example: Skype has the permission “android.permission.MOUNT_UNMOUNT_FILESYSTEMS”. This means, (again Windows slang) if you insert a DVD into you drive, “autorun” is executed and starts Skype.
Note: As your sd-card is mostly always inserted, this could be used to start apps at system boot….

Other triggers are: A BlueTooth device (dis-)connect, connection type changes (2g/3g/wlan) or power adapter is (un-)plugged.
All these could be restriced with my other app “ReceiverStop”. Be carefull and do not disable the wrong.

What’s New
See in the app or on website

● Donate features Unlocked


  • BootManager Screenshot
  • BootManager Screenshot
  • BootManager Screenshot


BootManager v3.8.3 [Donate] / Mirror