Agro Measure Map Pro

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Agro Measure Map Pro lets you quickly andeasily measure multiple distances, perimeters and areas with lasersharp precision! It even takes into account the curvature of theearth’s surface. Use it for small areas or large, then share yourfindings via any sharing app you have on your device.

Calculate surface areas, buildings, plots, floors, forest areasor dimensions for fencing, sports tours, trips or anything you needfor field work without having to go to the spot to takemeasurements. Only one finger to calculate with astonishingaccuracy all these measurements over satellite images.

That’s what Agro Measure Map Pro is for, to put a powerful,portable measuring tool right in the palm of your hand. YourAndroid device can now provide you with totally precisemeasurements of any distance, from as small as one tenth of a meterto as big as thousands of kilometers or miles, even taking thecurvature of the earth’s surface into account when measuring. Itdoes all that, fast and effortlessly.

Just one “Magic” button for all the operations to easily placepoints without losing it’s professional accuracy.


  • Agro Measure Map Pro Screenshot
  • Agro Measure Map Pro Screenshot
  • Agro Measure Map Pro Screenshot
  • Agro Measure Map Pro Screenshot
  • Agro Measure Map Pro Screenshot
  • Agro Measure Map Pro Screenshot
  • Agro Measure Map Pro Screenshot
  • Agro Measure Map Pro Screenshot


Agro Measure Map Pro v1.3.1 / Alternative Link

What's new

- Android 11 requires special permissions to access system files which is not allowed, please use load/save using external file browsing apps you have installed on your device.
- [Added] New Spot icons
- [Added] Transparent label background
- [Fixed] Login issues
- [Added] PDF Preview page
- [Added] Edit distances, altitude, angle and azimuth

