ProCamera (Paid)
Pro Camera gives you a fully functional stills camera application, requiring no special permissions, nor redundant features. This camera application was created with picture quality and minimal processing in mind. The app works best on Samsung phones as most support all the modes
Nota: For devices using Marshmallow, a new permissions scheme has been added which this application does not yet fully support. As such, it will crash on launch.
You must go into Settings -> Applications -> ProCamera -> Permissions and manually enable the permissions the app requires.
Soon to be fixed.
ProCamera v1.059 Paid APK (1.9 MB)
What's New
* Increased requested Live Histogram refresh rate from 5fps to 10fps.
* Fix for occasional Live Histogram flicker.
+ Added Live Exposure Time (in seconds) (if supported by hardware)
* Fixed ISO display when manual mode selected.
+ Added HDR mode. This powered by the camera driver, as such controls may be limited.