init.d scripts support v1.1.25 Pro [Latest]

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This app allows the user to select a folder (at sdcard) that includes a serie of scripts that can be executed at boot time.

This app allows the user to select a folder (at sdcard) that includes a serie of scripts that can be executed at boot time.

If your device is rooted the scripts can be executed using superuser permissions, but normal users can do also.

Note that some actions (like update the cpu max/min speed and others) requires root permissions. Don’t blame to me if you execute in a not rooted device at don’t works!

Pro version removes Ads.

Cosa c'è di nuovo

  • Updated SDK to Android 8


  • init.d scripts support Schermata
  • init.d scripts support Schermata
  • init.d scripts support Schermata

Link per il download

init.d scripts support v1.1.25 Pro APK / Collegamento alternativo / Collegamento alternativo


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