CALCU Calcolatrice elegante Premium

Stylish Calculator CALCU™ is a smart calculator where you choose the design yourself.
4.6/5 Voti: 223,624
16.9 MB
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Mod Info:

  • Funzioni Premium / a pagamento sbloccate;
  • Disattivato / Rimosso permessi indesiderati + Ricevitori + Provider + Servizi;
  • Grafica ottimizzata e zippata e risorse pulite per un caricamento veloce;
  • Annunci Permessi / Servizi / Provider rimossi da AndroidManifest;
  • I link agli annunci sono stati rimossi e i metodi di invocazione annullati;
  • Visibilità dei layout degli annunci disabilitata;
  • Controllo del pacchetto di installazione di Google Play Store disabilitato;
  • Codice di debug rimosso;
  • Rimuove il nome predefinito dei tag .source dei file java corrispondenti;
  • Analytics / Crashlytics / Firebase disabilitati;
  • L'SDK in bundle con gli annunci di Facebook è stato completamente rimosso;
  • No active trackers or advertisements – offline mod;
  • Modalità compatibile con AOSP;
  • Lingue: Multi lingue complete;
  • CPU: architettura universale;
  • DPI dello schermo: 120dpi, 160dpi, 213dpi, 240dpi, 320dpi, 480dpi, 640dpi;
  • La firma del pacchetto originale è stata modificata;
  • Rilasciato da Balatan.


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CALCU™ is a calculator that can calculate from simple to complex problems because it supports functions. Feel free to customize the features you use for a better user experience. At the same time, it also has its own theme that is completely different so that the experience can be varied and the application can be used alongside other applications on Samsung devices.

Indice dei contenuti

Update your computer with new themes

The new version of his CALCU™ allows users to quickly update their computers and find new themes that they can use later. Try new themes and choose the one that suits you. This update provides more options for future use. Of course, your experience will always be updated as new themes come out, so keep an eye out for themes that may appear in the next updated version.

Using the multifunction calculator

With CALCU™, you’ll be amazed at the computational power it can support to solve complex functional problems. This makes it a useful tool in many cases and easy to carry around. An application of useful functions that cannot be ignored when switching between normal and scientific calculations.

Swipe to change calculation

Typically, the user can use her CALCU™ core calculation functions to calculate basic math problems, and these calculations are included in the history. And with a swipe, you can switch and discover app extensions with more complex features that can be used quickly.At the same time, it’s up to you to adjust these features so that the usage process is always appropriate. .

Personalizzazione delle funzionalità in base alle proprie esigenze

One of the things that sets CALCU™ apart is the variety of features and feature combinations you are likely to use. The application allows you to modify them by adding or removing features based on your usage. From there, you can find them faster instead of going through a constant customization process. I’m sure everyone will turn this application into a useful tool.

Get fast results

The strength of this application is that you can enter calculations and get instant results. It is mandatory because the user will do many calculations, not just her one calculation. Therefore, getting results quickly speeds up the calculation and keeps it going. This application also has many operating systems (especially Samsung devices) to support fast calculations.

Samsung Multi-window cannot be ignored

When using applications on Samsung devices, we often use two applications at the same time, but this calculation application also works as a multi-window application. This is because you can use another application in parallel with your computational application and of course you don’t have to switch between the two. This way you can get results quickly and continue working in parallel with the open document file.

Easily save history

Occasionally, users may want to re-examine the calculations to ensure they are correct or to compare the results. As such, the application supports the user by storing the calculated times in a chronologically sorted history. You can quickly find calculations and browse previous calculations from there to find data to work with.


  • CALCU Stylish Basic Calculator Schermata
  • CALCU Stylish Basic Calculator Schermata
  • CALCU Stylish Basic Calculator Schermata
  • CALCU Stylish Basic Calculator Schermata
  • CALCU Stylish Basic Calculator Schermata
  • CALCU Stylish Basic Calculator Schermata


✓ App performance has been improved.
✓ Minor issues reported by users were fixed.
✓ Please send us your feedback!
