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Market Helper

Market Helper is a tool for Android that helps users to be able to change/fake their rooted devices to any other devices. For example, it can turn your Nexus 7 into Samsung Galaxy S5 in a few seconds. No reboot is required.

How to Use?

  1. Download and install the app.
  2. Open the app. Select the device and carrier you want to change to
  3. Press Activate. Wait until it’s done.
  4. IMPORTANT : go to Android Device Manager to update the change ( just visit the page, you don’t need to do anything ).
  5. Have fun. Now you can download and install apps that you couldn’t before.

If you want to switch back to normal, select “Restore” in device list and press “Activate”, or simply reboot the device ( with wifi/3g is enabled )

Capturas de tela


Root required


Market Helper v2.0.4 (2.5 Mb) | Link alternativo

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