Oxford Dictionary of Economics [Unlocked]

Oxford Dictionary of Economics - an authoritative and comprehensive dictionary containing 2,500 key economic terms with clear, concise definitions.
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Oxford Dictionary of Economics – an authoritative and comprehensive dictionary containing 2,500 key economic terms with clear, concise definitions.

This dictionary covers all aspects of economics including economic theory, applied microeconomics and macroeconomics, labor economics, public economics and public finance, monetary economics, environmental economics, and many others. There is strong coverage of international trade and many entries on economic organizations and institutions from around the world. Current edition contains expanded coverage of common econometric concepts and highlights major theoretical concepts including agency, competition, equilibrium.

Fully revised and updated, this edition now features recommended web links at entry level. This book is as ideal for browsing as it is useful for quick reference, and it remains an essential guide for students and teachers of economics, business, and finance, as well as professional economists and anyone who has to deal with economic data.

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STRUMENTI DI APPRENDIMENTO - funzioni coinvolgenti che aiutano a migliorare ulteriormente il vocabolario.

- La funzione 'Preferiti' consente di creare cartelle personalizzate con elenchi di parole dalla vasta libreria.
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  • Oxford Dictionary of Economics Schermata
  • Oxford Dictionary of Economics Schermata
  • Oxford Dictionary of Economics Schermata
  • Oxford Dictionary of Economics Schermata
  • Oxford Dictionary of Economics Schermata
  • Oxford Dictionary of Economics Schermata
  • Oxford Dictionary of Economics Schermata
  • Oxford Dictionary of Economics Schermata
  • Oxford Dictionary of Economics Schermata
  • Oxford Dictionary of Economics Schermata
  • Oxford Dictionary of Economics Schermata
  • Oxford Dictionary of Economics Schermata
  • Oxford Dictionary of Economics Schermata
  • Oxford Dictionary of Economics Schermata
  • Oxford Dictionary of Economics Schermata
  • Oxford Dictionary of Economics Schermata
  • Oxford Dictionary of Economics Schermata
  • Oxford Dictionary of Economics Schermata
  • Oxford Dictionary of Economics Schermata
  • Oxford Dictionary of Economics Schermata
  • Oxford Dictionary of Economics Schermata
  • Oxford Dictionary of Economics Schermata


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