Mappe Offline All-In-One (a pagamento) APK

Bored to wait for maps to display? Use All-In-One OfflineMaps! Once displayed, maps are stored and remain available, quickly, even with no network access.
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Mod Info:

  • Plus / Paid features unlocked;
  • Disattivato / Rimosso permessi indesiderati + Ricevitori + Provider + Servizi;
  • Grafica ottimizzata e zippata e risorse pulite per un caricamento veloce;
  • Controllo del pacchetto di installazione di Google Play Store disabilitato;
  • Codice di debug rimosso;
  • Rimuove il nome predefinito dei tag .source dei file java corrispondenti;
  • Lingue: Multi lingue complete;
  • CPU: architettura universale;
  • DPI dello schermo: 120dpi, 160dpi, 240dpi, 320dpi, 480dpi, 640dpi;
  • La firma del pacchetto originale è stata modificata;
  • Rilasciato da Balatan.


All-In-One OfflineMaps+ offers you to access a wide range of maps. Bored to wait for maps to display? Once displayed, maps are stored and remain available, quickly, even with no network access.

• Want more than just roads on your maps? You will find what you need here;
• Used to go to places with poor network coverage? Everything will stay available;
• Used to go abroad? You won’t be lost anymore;
• Have a data allowance limit? It will reduce your usage.

This Plus version includes all features of the Standard version without ads, and supports import of professional GPS and geographic landmarks file formats (waypoints, routes, tracks, areas) like GPX, Google Earth KML/KMZ (map overlays not supported), OziExplorer WPT, CVS/TSV and Geocaching LOC



  • All-In-One Offline Maps Schermata
  • All-In-One Offline Maps Schermata
  • All-In-One Offline Maps Schermata
  • All-In-One Offline Maps Schermata
  • All-In-One Offline Maps Schermata
  • All-In-One Offline Maps Schermata
  • All-In-One Offline Maps Schermata
  • All-In-One Offline Maps Schermata


The complete list is available in the changelog inside the application.

• Added ability to backup and restore all the application data into or from a single file;
• Added ability to display arrows, distances and ETE along the real-time location and compass heading lines;
• Added duration estimation of drawn paths and routes based on the selected activity, with time estimations of each route legs displayed on the map;
• And more
