1SecNote: Floating Cloud Note v4.7.2 [Unlocked] [Latest]

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1secnote - floating cloud note

1secnote – floating cloud note

A ultra-simple and modern note taking app for note-taking enthusiasts.
– supports Dropbox, Evernote, OneNote, and Google Drive.
– it’s really quick! , write a note within 1 sec !

► Floating over other contents ! Grow as you write.
► Stay over other contents and control the background app ! Move around or pinch and adjust !
► Swipe to browse the other notes while you write and read ! Swipe right for a new note !
► Quick access from the notification bar !
► Widgets at your home screen !
► Just by one touch, you can send your memo directly to Dropbox, Google Drive, OneNote and Evernote.
► Offline-first ! Uploads queued.

– keyboard and cursor are already ready. No need to touch here and there just to write a note.
– A robust auto-save function not to lose what you are typing
– A drafts list with different colors for Dropbox, Google Drive, OneNote and Evernote.
– In Recents list, swipe to delete/undo and Search as you type
– Daily stats.
– Your data is portable: Export as a CSV.
– Append your memo to the single TXT file on Google Drive, and the file can be shared and updated with others.


It’s been a while!
– With 4.7, you can see the new functions such as ‘Press Home to float’ and ‘Clear (x) button on Note’
– We now support 印象笔记 for our Chinese users and also added some accessibility labels on input screen.


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  • 1Sec Note :Floating Cloud Note Schermata
  • 1Sec Note :Floating Cloud Note Schermata
  • 1Sec Note :Floating Cloud Note Schermata
  • 1Sec Note :Floating Cloud Note Schermata
  • 1Sec Note :Floating Cloud Note Schermata

Download : FULL version Unlocked

1SecNote: Floating Cloud Note v4.7.2 [Unlocked] / Specchio

1Sec Note: Floating Cloud Note v4.7.1 [Unlocked] / Specchio

1SecNote: Floating Cloud Note v4.7 [Unlocked] / Specchio