Root Explorer APK (Patched)

Root Explorer is the ultimate file manager for root users. Access the whole of android's file system (including the elusive data folder!).
4.4/5 Votos: 32,676
Speed Software
4.15 MB
Bahasa Indonesia
Google Play
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Root Explorer is the perfect tool for managing system-level files. You can use it to access hidden data folders on your Android device and get the most out of your system.

Tabbed browsing, support for cloud storage providers such as Google Drive and Box, network storage over SMB, viewer for SQLite databases, text editor, multiple selection, electronic file transmission (via email, Bluetooth, etc.), image preview, APK viewing – Binary XML, viewing MD5 hashes, creating and using symbolic links are just a few of its many capabilities.

We will do our best to resolve any issues you may encounter with the app. If our assistance ultimately fails, you can request a full refund. This app has over 22,000 5-star reviews, but you should read as many comments as possible to understand how most people feel about this app. Our 24 hour refund policy still applies. If for any reason you don’t like the app and we don’t hear from you within 24 hours, we’ll refund your purchase in full. You will need your order number from your Google software download confirmation email.

Full network access is required to connect to the Internet and use cloud storage services. Therefore, no information is obtained from the Internet. The Google Drive SDK calls this method when Google Drive needs a new user. When viewing an existing account, the only information available is the name of the account. A search for a user account on a device can be performed as a directory of all Google Drive folders that the user has access to from that particular device. With it, you can prevent your computer from going to sleep and losing the data you’re working on when you’re doing boring tasks.

Tangkapan layar

  • Root Explorer Tangkapan layar
  • Root Explorer Tangkapan layar
  • Root Explorer Tangkapan layar
  • Root Explorer Tangkapan layar
  • Root Explorer Tangkapan layar
  • Root Explorer Tangkapan layar
  • Root Explorer Tangkapan layar
  • Root Explorer Tangkapan layar

Tautan Unduhan: Root is a must for using this app

Root Explorer v4.12.3 Patched APK / Cermin

Root Explorer v4.12.2 Patched APK / Cermin

Root Explorer v4.12 Patched APK / Cermin


Apa Yang Baru

Fixed problem with SMB anonymous access. To do this the old SMB code was reinstated, so unfortunately SMB3 support is no longer available. SMB3 will be added again when it can be done without breaking anything else! Sorry for the inconvenience.


7 komentar en "Root Explorer APK (Patched)"

  1. Smith dadu:

    my moto g4 is unrooted, can i use this app without root it? or root is necessary.

  2. Vi dadu:

    thanks man. from Turkey

  3. tkk dadu:

    thank you so much!! please continue support this usefull app

  4. Max dadu:

    can you add italian language in mod lite version please?

    thank you so much for all

  5. Khizra dadu:

    My Moto E4 is unrooted plz confirm my mobile root

  6. Rodrigo dadu:

    Terima kasih.

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