BuildProp Editor Premium v2.2.11.0 [Latest]

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Easily edit your build.prop or any other properties file on your Android device

BuildProp Editor comes with an intelligent code editor with syntax-highlighting for multiple languages. Enjoy a beautiful and friendly user interface that closely follows material design guidelines.

- Editor build.prop peringkat teratas di Google Play
- Meningkatkan kinerja dan menyesuaikan perangkat Anda
- Pencadangan otomatis sebelum melakukan perubahan apa pun
- Editor kode lanjutan untuk pengeditan manual


Apa yang dimaksud dengan file build.prop?

File "build.prop" adalah file sistem yang ada di setiap perangkat Android. File ini berisi informasi pembuatan dan properti sistem lainnya yang digunakan di seluruh sistem operasi.

System properties are string key-value pairs. You can create or modify a system property in the build.prop file which will be loaded when your device first boots.

The file is located at /system/build.prop. The build.prop file allows single line comments that start with a ‘#’ character.

Apa yang dimaksud dengan properti sistem?

System properties are small name value pairs managed by Android’s property service. All system properties are loaded at boot. You can get the value of any system property without root access. You need to have root access to modify or create a system property.

What are some common build.prop tweaks?

Some common system properties include:

ro.sf.lcd_density: controls the device density.

ro.telephony.call_ring.delay: the number of milliseconds between ring notifications.

persist.adb.notify: flag to show/hide the ADB debugging notification.

lockscreen.rot_override: flag to enable/disable rotating the device when the screen is locked

– Removed description about SELinux
Message from the developer:
Thank you for downloading the BuildProp Editor! A lot of work has been put into it.

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  • BuildProp Editor Tangkapan layar
  • BuildProp Editor Tangkapan layar
  • BuildProp Editor Tangkapan layar
  • BuildProp Editor Tangkapan layar
  • BuildProp Editor Tangkapan layar
  • BuildProp Editor Tangkapan layar
  • BuildProp Editor Tangkapan layar
  • BuildProp Editor Tangkapan layar


BuildProp Editor Premium v2.2.11.0 / Cermin

Versi Lama

BuildProp Editor Premium v2.2.9.0 / Cermin

BuildProp Editor Premium v2.2.3.0 / Cermin

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