Calculadora científica Pro APK
This is a fully featured scientific and graphing calculator which supports graph, matrix, complex numbers, equation solver and unit converter. For everyday calculations, the calculator also supports a basic mode.
Denunciar este app
Mod Info:
- Idiomas: Multilíngues completos;
- CPUs: arquitetura universal;
- DPIs de tela: 160dpi, 240dpi, 320dpi, 480dpi, 640dpi;
- Apk [pago] intocado com assinatura de hash original, sem [Mod] ou alterações aplicadas;
- Certificate MD5 digest: 3202710e869d56f6c1edf6380c9b11f1
This is a fully featured scientific and graphing calculator which supports graph, matrix, complex numbers, equation solver and unit converter. For everyday calculations, the calculator also supports a basic mode.
Características :
- Sem anúncios
- Large input/output display
- Dedicated Graph Plotter
- Advanced Unit Converter
- Complex number
- Full Matrix Support up to order of 9×9
- Simultaneous linear equation solver up to 9 variables
- Polynomial equation solver – gives both real and complex solution
- Landscape Mode
- Calculation History
- All Trigonometric operations
- Degree, Radian, Grade
- Binary, Decimal, Octal, Hexadecimal operation
- Bitwise operations
- Ten memory locations
- Results history feature
- Constants Table
- Built-in help (accessible via options menu
Capturas de tela
- App performance has been improved.
- Minor issues reported by users were fixed.
- Please send us your feedback!