Pixel Studio - editor de pixel art PRO

Pixel Studio is a new pixel art editor for artists and game developers. Simple, fast and portable. No matter whether you are a beginner or a professional. Create amazing pixel art anywhere and anytime! We support layers and animations and have a ton of useful tools - all you need to create cool projects. Add music to your animations and export videos to MP4. Use Google Drive to sync your work between different devices and even platforms. Join Pixel Network™ - our new pixel art community! Create NFT! Don't doubt, just try it and make sure you've chosen the best pixel art tool ever! Over 5.000.000 downloads around the world, translated to more than 25 languages!
4.4/5 Votos: 67,730
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Mod Info:

Desbloqueio do recurso Pro.
Anúncios removidos / desativados.
Atividade e código relacionados a anúncios removidos/desabilitados.
A visibilidade dos layouts relacionados a anúncios desapareceu.
Analytics / Crashlytics removido / desativado.
Receptores, serviços e provedor removidos/desabilitados.
● Google Play Services Check Removed / Disabled.
Pacote de instalação da Google Play Store removido/desabilitado.
Serviço de cobrança no aplicativo removido/desabilitado.
Removidas as propriedades do Play Services, Transport e Firebase.
Remoção de todas as pastas e arquivos de lixo desnecessários.
Duplicar item Dpi Remover como:
- Comprimento da barra, tamanho da gaveta, espaço entre as barras.
Remoção do arquivo Splits0 (Recursos e AndroidManifest).
● Splits0 Liberou metadados desnecessários Remover como:
- Stamp Source, Stamp Type Standalone Apk, Android Vending Splits, Android Vending Derived Apk.
Removidas as informações de depuração (fonte, linha, parâmetro, prólogo, local).


Pixel Studio, a new pixel art editor for artists and game developers. Simple, fast and portable. No matter whether you are a beginner or a professional. Create amazing pixel art anywhere and anytime! There are layers support, animation and useful tools – all you need to create cool projects.

Principais características: 
• use layers for advanced pixel art
• create animation and export it to GIF
• share your arts with friends
• create custom palettes or just use built-in palettes
• advanced color picker (RGB / HSV)
• simple zoom and move with gestures
• advanced tools
• supports both portrait and landscape modes
• supports large canvas size
• supports formats: PNG, JPG, GIF, PSP (Pixel Studio Project)

Advanced features: 
• drawing shapes (circle, rectangle)
• built-in and user brushes
• drawing tiles with brushes
• canvas rect rotation and mirroring
• canvas resizing
• dynamic background color
• customizable grid
• Onion Skin (animation)
• Pixel Perfect preview
• Pixel Pen tool
• multithreaded image processing
• JASC Palette (PAL) file format support


Capturas de tela

  • Pixel Studio: pixel art editor Captura de tela
  • Pixel Studio: pixel art editor Captura de tela
  • Pixel Studio: pixel art editor Captura de tela
  • Pixel Studio: pixel art editor Captura de tela
  • Pixel Studio: pixel art editor Captura de tela
  • Pixel Studio: pixel art editor Captura de tela
  • Pixel Studio: pixel art editor Captura de tela
  • Pixel Studio: pixel art editor Captura de tela


• Minor improvements
