Calculadora Plus Pro [Pago]
Calculator Plus is a powerful and attractive Android stylish calculator with real look.
Everyday use calculator with powerful features. One of top.
Good for simple and advanced calculations!
Calculator Plus includes the following features:
* Large input/output display.
* Entering entire expressions.
* Easy to use, similar to common hand calculators.
* Fully customizable keypad to match your daily needs.
* 2 keypad layout (includes landscape mode with large buttons).
* Percentages (calculation discount, tax, tip and other).
* Real equation view editor with brackets and operator priority support
* Component or polar complex entry/view mode.
* Customize the keypad as your need, change theme as your taste, Calculator Plus is the calculator made just for you!
* Beautiful and intuitive interface with gesture based control and navigation.
* Never lose your place in a calculation again with the live updating expression view.
* Swipe the keypad to reveal customizable keypad which supports advanced operators, science and user-defined constants.
* Modern, easy and very user friendly graphical user interface.
* Very customizable!
* Very small android application.
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Versão mais antiga
Calculator Plus v5.7.1 [Pago] / Espelho
Calculator Plus v5.5.1 [Pago] / Espelho
Have qualities of automatically checking and correcting errors