YT3 Music & Video Downloader v4.8 build 226 [Sans publicité] [Dernière]

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Download music and high quality videos. YT3 Music Downloader has a simple and plain interface, and downloads start just in a few seconds!

YT3 Music Downloader is an app that lets you download any song or video hosted on YouTube in a matter of seconds. Literally. The download speed on YT3 Music Downloader is really spectacular.
The interface in YT3 Music Downloader is simple and intuitive. It has only two tabs: one to search for any artist or song you like, and the other to show you all your downloads. It’s impossible to get confused with an app so easy to navigate.
After you search for a specific video and touch it, you’ll have several options. In the first place, if it’s a song, you can stream it directly, while seeing the lyrics as well. If it’s a video, you can download the video itself or just its audio, no matter what format it’s in.
Downloading in YT3 Music Downloader is as simple as touching a button, and it takes only a few seconds. When saving the videos, you can choose to do so in HD or SD.
YT3 Music Downloader is an excellent tool for downloading videos and music and has nothing to envy big names like TubeMate. Its simple interface and powerful features make it an outstanding application.


  • Bug fixes.

Mod :

★ Annonces supprimées / désactivées
★ Permissions et activités indésirables supprimées
★ Services non désirés + Récepteurs et fournisseurs supprimés
★ Annonces Activités + Services et Prestataires supprimées
★ Liens Ads / Analytics / Crashlytics supprimés
★ Méthodes d'annonces annulées
★ Visibilité des annonces désactivée
★ Compatible AOSP
★ La signature de l'emballage original a été modifiée
➡ Langues : Multi-langues complet
➡ Architectures CPU : Universelles
➡ DPI de l'écran : 120dpi, 160dpi, 240dpi, 320dpi, 480dpi, 640dpi

Cette application ne contient pas de publicité

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Downloads : Mod AdFree

YT3 Music & Video Downloader v4.8 build 226 [Ad-Free] / Miroir

Version plus ancienne

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