Désinstallateur d'applications système v3.7 [Pro] [Dernière]

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System app uninstaller

Safe, Clear, Easy uninstall system default applications.

Note: We need root permission.

Safe, Clear, Easy uninstall system default applications.

1, Safe, we filter out all apps that may cause unstable after uninstalled, and had tested hundreds of devices, so you can use it safely, but we can not make sure 100% safe because of manufacturers may customized too much, also, we backup all app you uninstalled automatic, so you can restore them in Recycle Bin whenever you need;
2, Clear, we classify all system app as [Could remove], [Should keep], [Key module], so you can choose what app to uninstall clearly;
3, Easy, we provide you a way to uninstall multi app in one time, make you easy to go;

• Hide core system app for safe, you can show chose to show in the settings page.
• You can custom ‘Recycle bin directory’ in settings page.
• Sort app by type, name, size, time and path
• User can custom [Install time] [Package name] [Apk path] to show in list
• Show app details: size, install time, package, apk path.
• Open app
• Search in market
• Search in website by apk name, package name, app name

Bug fix.

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System app uninstaller v3.7 [Pro] / Miroir

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