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Radio Record

Online player of all Radio Record channels:

Record online, Pirate station, Trancemission, Teodor, Hop FM, Record Dancecore.
As a bonus, you can read news and listen to Superchart tracks right on your handset!

Be patient friends, sometimes we get overcrowded – there are so many of you!) We are always looking for a chance to take a step to perfection.

Radio Record – dance we love


For the first time in Russia, advertising on the radio that hears you. Exclusive discounts and special offers – just answer to continue.

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Captures d'écran

  • Radio Record: Dance Music Capture d'écran
  • Radio Record: Dance Music Capture d'écran
  • Radio Record: Dance Music Capture d'écran
  • Radio Record: Dance Music Capture d'écran
  • Radio Record: Dance Music Capture d'écran
  • Radio Record: Dance Music Capture d'écran


Radio Record v3.3.2.3 [Dark Mod] / Miroir

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