Fonds d'écran Nougat : WallFlex v3.0 (Débloqué) [Dernière]

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WallFlex provides cloud background wallpapers. These are hand made HD quality background wallpapers with a lot of categories to choose from. These include material wallpapers (android nougat) and minimal design, abstract wallpapers, typography and much more background wallpapers.
WallFlex – Cloud Wallpapers:

WallFlex provides cloud background wallpapers. These are hand made HD quality background wallpapers with a lot of categories to choose from. These include material wallpapers (android nougat) and minimal design, abstract wallpapers, typography and much more background wallpapers.
Community background wallpapers :
These hd wallpapers are inspired by daily lifestyle kept in mind to freshen up your day and keep you energetic. These also include beautiful wallpapers from 500 px and unsplash optimised for mobile display. These wallpapers are royalty free provided on 500 px and unsplash.

Material wallpapers :
Material wallpapers with unique designs and new styles based on material guidelines of new android nougat wallpapers, marshmallow wallpapers and lollipop wallpapers.

et bien plus encore...

Caractéristiques :
• Cloud background wallpapers HD which can be saved to device for later use
• Many categories to choose from
• 2K Resolution and full HD
• Based on marshmallow wallpapers, android nougat wallpapers, material wallpapers.
• Mobile optimised 500 px and unsplash photos

Want to showcase your background or wallpaper in our app? Well YES you can! And we will showcase your name and your profile links too!
How to get in touch?
Just drop us a mail at : and we will get back to you in no time. :)


  •  New HIPSTER wallpaper!
  •  Improved UI

Captures d'écran

  • WallFlex - HD/4K free wallpape Capture d'écran
  • WallFlex - HD/4K free wallpape Capture d'écran
  • WallFlex - HD/4K free wallpape Capture d'écran
  • WallFlex - HD/4K free wallpape Capture d'écran
  • WallFlex - HD/4K free wallpape Capture d'écran
  • WallFlex - HD/4K free wallpape Capture d'écran

Liens de téléchargement

 Nougat Wallpapers : WallFlex v3.0 (Unlocked) APK / Lien alternatif