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iCare Eye Test Pro

iCare Eye Test Pro

When was the last time you had your eyes tested? You can’t remember? Yeah, well, neither do I! With iCare Eye Test you can test your vision at home easily and totally free!After doing the tests you should be able decide whether or not you should see an eye doctor (optometrist, optician).

* Visual acuity tests
* An Ishihara Color Blindness test
* Many eye care exercises

After the measurement, you can also do training to protect your eyes better.

Eye Test Functions :
► Visual Acuity Test
► Color Blind Test
► Contrast Sensitivity Test
► Astigmatism test
► Red Desaturation Test

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iCare Eye Test Pro v3.4.8 / Miroir

iCare Eye Test Pro v2.6.3Miroir

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