HomeTouch pour Samsung Galaxy v1.2.2 [Dernière]

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Do you Want to go Home Screen Without Pressing the Home Key .And to Access easy home
Do you want launch Facebook or Twiter with just Touching Fingerprint
Did your Home Button stop working .
Do you want access home Screen with simple touch ….
Do you want Save your Home Button .
Do you want assign each Registred Fingerprint with Action to facilitate Actions ..
here is the Solution ..HomeTouch Let you go to HomeScreen without Pressing the Button, You Simply touch the home button and voila you will go Home Screen …. also you can Lauch facebook or Twitter or launch Camera with just touching Fingerprint
It’s so fast and Accurate .
Fingerprint Shortcut .. you can customize your fingerprint to launch app or enable wifi … or can
Launch Facebook or Twitter .
Launch the internet Browser
Launch the Camera .
Launch Settings
Enable or Disable Wifi . On or OFF the Flashlight …
Note :
-keep touching the Fingerprint little to know his name …
-To launch camera you should allow permission for Camera to Start the Flashlight.
We don’t collect your private information ..
Note : if you want to Access Fingerprint Settings or use App with Fingerprint . Please Disable the Hometouch Service from Notification Bar ..
Some times you get message that fingerprint sensor can’t work fine … try to lock and unlock the device and will work
the Camera shortcut request allow permission for Camera
this App use Samsung SDK so we can’t Fix All bugs
Tested on Galaxy S6 Edge+ and Galaxy S5 ,Galaxy S7 Edge.
Here the List of compatible Samsung Devices :
Galaxy J7 Prime
Galaxy S7 edge
Galaxy S7
Galaxy J5 Prime
Galaxy A5 (2016)
Galaxy S5
Galaxy A7 (2016)
Galaxy S6
Galaxy Note 4
Galaxy A9 Pro (2016)
Galaxy Note5
Galaxy S6 edge
Galaxy C9 Pro
Galaxy A8 (2016)
Galaxy C7
Galaxy A9 (2016)
Galaxy C5
Galaxy A8
Galaxy On7 (2016)
Galaxy S6 edge+
Galaxy Alpha
Galaxy Note Edge
Galaxy S5 mini
Galaxy Note5 Duos
Galaxy S7 active
Galaxy A8 Duos
Galaxy Note 4 Duos
Galaxy S6 Plus
Galaxy S6 edge+ Duos
Galaxy S6 Duos
Galaxy C5 Pro
Galaxy S5 Duos
Galaxy S5 Plus
Galaxy S5 mini Duos
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all your suggestion are welcome …


Add shortcut launch Facebook App

Add shortcut launch Twitter App
Fix Some Bugs …
and we will add new shortcuts in further updates
Captures d'écran
  • HomeTouch Capture d'écran
  • HomeTouch Capture d'écran
  • HomeTouch Capture d'écran
  • HomeTouch Capture d'écran