CCleaner MOD APK (Pro débloqué)

CCleaner is an application that frees up space on your device and improves performance. The application affects factors that can affect your device and you can even choose automatic or manual cleaning.
4.6/5 Votos: 2,704,504
41.37 MB
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Mod Info :

  • Fonctionnalités professionnelles / payantes débloquées ;
  • Désactivé / Supprimé Permissions indésirables + Récepteurs + Fournisseurs + Services ;
  • Graphiques optimisés et alignés par zip et ressources nettoyées pour un chargement rapide ;
  • Ads Permissions / Services / Providers supprimés d'Android.manifest ;
  • Liens publicitaires supprimés et méthodes d'invocation annulées ;
  • La visibilité des annonces est désactivée ;
  • Google Drive Cloud fonctionne ;
  • Vérification du paquet d'installation du Google Play Store désactivée ;
  • Code de débogage supprimé ;
  • Supprime le nom par défaut des balises .source des fichiers java correspondants ;
  • Analytics / Crashlytics / Firebase désactivés ;
  • Analyse anonyme et consentement GDPR désactivés ;
  • Suppression complète du SDK intégré aux publicités Facebook ;
  • Les applications promotionnelles ont été supprimées du menu ;
  • Mode compatible AOSP ;
  • Pas de démarrage avec la page de promotion ;
  • Pas de traqueurs actifs ni de publicités ;
  • Langues : Multi langues complet ;
  • Processeurs : armeabi-v7a, arm64-v8a ;
  • DPI de l'écran : 120dpi, 160dpi, 240dpi, 320dpi, 480dpi, 640dpi ;
  • La signature de l'emballage d'origine a été modifiée ;
  • Publication par Balatan.


Download APK

CCleaner is an application that frees up space on your device and improves performance. The application affects factors that can affect your device and you can even choose automatic or manual cleaning. Information is also essential. So you can quickly improve the performance of your device.

Table des matières

User-friendly interface, easy to use

Once you start using CCleaner, you’ll find an easy-to-understand interface with features grouped into easy-to-read tabs. Tap the tab you want to use and it will affect every aspect of your device. Adjust the performance of devices, media, apps, and more. These can cause certain problems with your device. So you can customize the deletion of these items your way.

Customize functionality to suit your needs

Once you have a clear understanding of what CCleaner can do, you have two options to choose from. The first way is to look at the information your application is sending and remove what you don’t need from your device. Additionally, if you don’t want to spend too much time, you can use configurable features such as: B. Scan for a specific period of time, delete disk space, etc.

Get application capacity information

A feature that all users will love is that CCleaner provides information about your device’s capacity. This gives her one access and an overview of the devices from which she can make changes or delete those she deems unnecessary. At the same time, the application uses various charts to make it easy for you to observe them. It depends on factors you care about, such as: B. Device configuration and capacity.

Remove unnecessary

After reviewing CCleaner’s configuration and capacity information, you can select each item to remove. The first item is about applications, where you can find information about applications and less frequently used applications. From there, you can uninstall them to free up space on your device. Even if there is data left in the cache or small folders, it can be quickly resolved.

Resolved with a saved photo

An interesting point in experiencing the application is finding the ability to delete various images. It considers photo standards and saves only the best photos and discards relevant ones. At the same time, the application also offers a solution, so you don’t waste time choosing images. B. Reduce the size or move it to an easily linked cloud storage site such as Google Drive.

Optimize device usage

In addition to capacity factors, device performance-related factors are always a dilemma for users. Some of the data that RAM is handling should be freed when it is not needed. So you can stop apps you haven’t used in a while, or run some apps in the background without completely shutting them down. In fact, you will notice the difference after using the application.


Nous nous efforçons constamment de maintenir cette application en parfait état et d'en améliorer les fonctionnalités. Pour connaître les détails des changements récents les plus importants, veuillez ouvrir l'application et naviguer vers l'écran "Quoi de neuf". Vous pouvez y accéder directement à partir du menu principal. Merci d'utiliser notre application !
