Autosync for Box – BoxSync [Ultimate]
Autosync Box lets you automatically sync and share unlimited files and folders with Box cloud storage ( and with your other devices. It is an ideal tool for photo sync, photo upload, music download, document and file backup, automatic file transfer, automatic file sharing between devices,…
New files in your device are instantly uploaded to Box. New files in Box are automatically downloaded onto your device. If you delete a file on one side, it will be deleted on the other side. It works across multiple devices (your phone and your tablet). If their folders are synced with the same Box account, they will be kept in sync with each other.
This is how Box works on desktop but it’s not the same with the official Box Android app. The Box app is all manual. Autosync Box is all about automation.
Two-way automatic sync should be an essential feature of the official Box app itself since the beginning. For whatever reason it is not the case. Autosync Box is here to fill the gap.
✓ Full two-way autosync running in background, just like Box on desktop
✓ Many sync modes. Not only two-way, you can also choose Upload only, Upload then delete, Download only, Download mirror,…
✓ Téléchargement instantané : les fichiers nouveaux et modifiés sont téléchargés immédiatement
✓ Très efficace, ne consomme presque pas de batterie
✓ Facile à mettre en place. Une fois installés, les fichiers sont synchronisés sans aucun effort de la part des utilisateurs.
✓ Fonctionne de manière fiable dans des conditions de réseau en constante évolution sur votre téléphone
✓ Surveille le niveau de la batterie, la connectivité WiFi/3G/4G/LTE/WiMax et adapte son comportement en fonction des préférences de l'utilisateur.
✓ Configurable autosync interval: 15 minutes, 30 minutes, every hour,…
Le plugin Tasker permet aux utilisateurs chevronnés de définir des programmes et des conditions de synchronisation sophistiqués.
If you like this app, please consider upgrading to premium version. By doing so you support the development efforts and get access to premium features. You can do so via in-app purchase.
Synchroniser plusieurs paires de dossiers
Synchroniser l'ensemble de votre compte cloud avec un dossier de votre appareil
✓ Télécharger des fichiers d'une taille supérieure à 10 Mo
✓ Protéger les paramètres de l'application par un code d'accès
✓ Aucune publicité n'est affichée dans l'application
✓ Soutien par courriel du développeur
Captures d'écran
- Updated app to Material Design 3
- Improved background sync scheduling, reduced battery consumption.
- Moved "Instant upload" option from the app settings to folder pair config. Enable this option only where you need it. It has impact on battery.
If you like our app, please give it a nice 5-star rating. If you run into issues or have questions, don't hesitate to email us at We'll follow up.