Grabadora de voz ASR Pro

ASR is one of the best sound and voice recording app on the Play Store. Record meetings, notes, lessons, songs. It is free and without any limitations on the recording time.
4.3/5 Votos: 49,882
24.0 MB
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Mod Info:

  • Funciones Pro / de pago desbloqueadas - no requiere clave adicional;
  • Desactivado / Eliminado Permisos no deseados + Receptores + Proveedores + Servicios;
  • Gráficos optimizados y alineados con zip y recursos limpios para una carga rápida;
  • Anuncios Permisos / Servicios / Proveedores removidos de Android.manifest;
  • Enlaces publicitarios eliminados y métodos de invocación anulados;
  • Visibilidad de los anuncios desactivada;
  • Comprobación del paquete de instalación de Google Play Store desactivada;
  • Código de depuración eliminado;
  • Elimina el nombre por defecto de las etiquetas .source de los archivos java correspondientes;
  • Analytics / Crashlytics / Firebase desactivado;
  • Idiomas: Full Multi Languages;
  • CPU: armeabi-v7a, arm64-v8a;
  • PPP de pantalla: 120 ppp, 160 ppp, 240 ppp, 320 ppp, 480 ppp, 640 ppp;
  • Firma del paquete original modificada;
  • Publicado por Balatan.


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Voice & Audio Recorder – ASR is one of the best sound and voice recording app on the Play Store

FREE and without any limitations on the recording time!
Here are some of the features of ASR:
Lots of recording formats such as WAV, OGG, FLAC, MP4, 3GP
Sample and bitrate options for better control of recording quality
Dedicated pause recording button
Dedicated discard recording button
Customizable recording folder
Voice Activated Recording (Sound monitor mode) (Pro)
Plus and minus gain mode to increase or decrease volume of recording (Pro)
Cloud integration with Dropbox, Google Drive (Pro)
Auto email option to send recordings via email (Pro)
Delete and share multiple recordings
Record and play recordings while app is in the background
Pause and resume while recording
Echo cancellation mode
Auto start recording
Recording widget for quick and easy access
Very sensitive VU meter
Ability to search recordings
Rename file prompt after recording (Pro)
7 and 10 inch tablet optimization
Multiple languages

Capturas de pantalla

  • ASR Voice Recorder Captura de pantalla
  • ASR Voice Recorder Captura de pantalla
  • ASR Voice Recorder Captura de pantalla
  • ASR Voice Recorder Captura de pantalla
  • ASR Voice Recorder Captura de pantalla
  • ASR Voice Recorder Captura de pantalla
  • ASR Voice Recorder Captura de pantalla


Introducing brand new ASR!
We have modernised ASR from top to bottom.
Fixed a lot of bug and probably created a few.
Please let us know any feedback you may have and report crashes.

