Rhonna Designs [Desbloqueado] [Mod]

You become the graphic designer, when you edit and embellish photos, create word art, and make memorable posts with unique designs and beautiful, original fonts.
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Rhonna Fresh
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Love to add personality to your photo edits? With Rhonna Designs App, you’ve got all the tools right at your fingertips to uplift and inspire!

App Description: Designed with your creativity in mind to add your own personality to your photos. Can be printed out up to 8×8 with great resolution! Perfect to creatively edit your photos with artist, Rhonna Farrer’s exclusive frames, masks, designs, fonts & filters right on your phone.

**for higher-resolution photo editing on your laptop or PC, the same design kits and fonts can be purchased at rhonnadesigns.com
**Also comes with exclusive backgrounds to create inspirational word art, memes, poems or notes!

Features: Adjust transparency, color, shadows, outlines, size & angles as you create with the text & design features. Add masks to any photo using the various shaped designs; even has the feature of allowing you to add multiple designs/fonts to the mask!

Mod Info:

  • Stickers Pack / Fonts Pack / Paid features unlocked;
  • Desactivado / Eliminado Permisos no deseados + Receptores + Proveedores + Servicios;
  • Gráficos optimizados y alineados con zip y recursos limpios para una carga rápida;
  • Comprobación del paquete de instalación de Google Play Store desactivada;
  • Código de depuración eliminado;
  • Elimina el nombre por defecto de las etiquetas .source de los archivos java correspondientes;
  • Analytics / Crashlytics / Firebase desactivado;
  • Sin rastreadores activos ni publicidad;
  • Idiomas: Full Multi Languages;
  • CPU: arquitectura universal;
  • PPP de pantalla: 120 ppp, 160 ppp, 240 ppp, 320 ppp, 480 ppp, 640 ppp;
  • Firma del paquete original modificada

Capturas de pantalla

Unknown app
Unknown app
Desarrollador: Unknown
Precio: Por anunciar


Rhonna Designs v2.82 [Unlocked] [Mod] / Espejo

Versión antigua

Rhonna Designs v2.79 [Unlocked] [Mod] / Espejo

Rhonna Designs v2.78 [Unlocked] [Mod] / Espejo


- new sticker packs from Rhonna & Tomi Ann
- fixed a bug with in-app purchases
