REST Api Cliente Android v1.12 [Premium] [Último]

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REST Api Client Android

REST Api Client Android

Lightweight utility tool for developers to test and analyze REST Api responses On-the-Go by sending HTTP/HTTPS requests with minimal customization.

Lightweight utility tool for developers to

• Test and analyze REST Api responses On-the-Go by sending HTTP/HTTPS requests with minimal                    customization.
• Send Google Cloud Messaging (GCM) downstream messages i.e. Push Notifications to your registered          devices with Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) endpoint support.

App Features :

• Import collection from Postman with single click by just entering the URL link.
• Whole Requests history to view and load requests from it.
• Save your Requests (REST or GCM/FCM) to Collections and load requests directly without writing it              attributes again.
• Edit headers and body attributes easily.
• Parses and displays the complete raw response from server including Headers, Response Code, Round          Time etc.
• Supports both body types for POST requests i.e. Raw and KeyValue.
• Quickly let you customize Timeout and Cache Settings.


Version Features :
* Import From Postman : Import whole collection from Postman within seconds by just entering the               collection URL link.
* History Feature : Now view and load requests directly from your Requests History as it will be maintained   automatically.
* Collections Feature : Save and organize requests in collections (as in Postman).
* No Ads version : Premium version with no Ads.
* Empty value support added.
* No Internet restriction removed.
** Bugs fixes and improvements

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  • REST Api Client Android Captura de pantalla
  • REST Api Client Android Captura de pantalla
  • REST Api Client Android Captura de pantalla
  • REST Api Client Android Captura de pantalla
  • REST Api Client Android Captura de pantalla


REST Api Client Android v1.12 [Premium] / Espejo