Herramienta de pronunciación rápida [Premium]

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Quick Pronunciation came to save you precious time when learning a foreign language.
Write any word in the box and your phone will speak it for you! In a second!

Download now and start improving your pronunciation! Speak with more confidence and impress your boss, colleagues, customers, tourists and everyone else! Pronouncing foreign words can be a tricky job. There are several irregular words and some of them are just impossible to guess.

Quick Pronunciation came to save you precious time when learning a foreign language. Write any word in the box and your phone will speak it for you! In a second!  No distraction, no complicated interface, easy access to the last words or retrieve the full list in a single tap.

Very useful for language teachers and students who need to check some word pronunciation on the go.

Don’t be fooled by its simple look!
Quick Pronunciation can pronounce even the most complex medical terms, biblical words, botanical names, huge numbers and much more =)

Available languages :
◾ Spanish
◾ Italian
◾ German
◾ French
◾ Japanese
◾ Russian
◾ Hindi
◾ Portuguese

What language do you want me to add next?

Características : 
✔ Sin anuncios
✔ Hear any word instantly
✔ Minimal battery usage
✔ Very small app size
✔ Dark/light themes
✔ Long-click the flag icon to select other languages
✔ Internet connection not required
✔ Tap anywhere to close
✔ Easy access to recent entries


Capturas de pantalla

  • Quick Pronunciation Captura de pantalla
  • Quick Pronunciation Captura de pantalla
  • Quick Pronunciation Captura de pantalla
  • Quick Pronunciation Captura de pantalla
  • Quick Pronunciation Captura de pantalla

Descargas : Pro Features unlocked 

Quick Pronunciation Tool v2.2.9 [Premium] / Espejo

Quick Pronunciation Tool v2.2.7 [Unlocked] / Espejo

Quick Pronunciation Tool v2.2.5 [Unlocked] / Espejo


✔️ Several bug-fixes and improvements
Thanks a lot for your support! Leave a comment on Google Play if you have any requests =)

