Pro Best File Manager v3 build 4 [Latest] (en inglés)

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Pro Best File Manager isthebest File Explorer for Android. It allows you to browse yourPhonememory & SD card, create folders / text files /directories,rename, copy, move, and delete files. You need not tosearch sdcard or phone memory for camera folder, bluetooth folder -there isa link from which you can access both folders directly.

With Pro version you get built in appProcessManager & Backup Manager.

In the Process Manager option you canseeavailable ram memory and you can kill a particular task takingatoo much memory.

Backup Manager – for backup of all your appsandcontent.


* Cut, copy and paste progress dialog.
* Compress and decompress (extract) support (ZIP)
* Thumbnail for photo and pictures files
* Root Explorer for rooted devices
* Support file shortcut on Favorites for easily access
* Send, share files & email files.
* Open any file
* Play media files with your favorite apps
* Supports several languages: More than 35 languages…

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Pro Best File Manager v3 build 4 / Enlace alternativo