Escáner de red Premium

App will find all hosts in your home network or in selected IP range. It can be used not only to know who are using your WiFi and learn more about every device, but also for professional tasks: dynamically port scanning and ability to filter hosts by opened ports allows to find a server of needed service in selected network. IP scanner supports 4 modes for scan - arp read, icmp ping, udp ping, dns request. Also you can select used dns server manually to scan your private networks. This is only little part of abilities of this network scanner.
4.5/5 Votos: 17,051
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The program displays the IP and MAC addresses, the names of the hosts on the your local network. Also there is a built-in port scanner (tcp) and small auxiliary tools.

Características principales:
-Check hosts over a range of possible addresses in the network.
-Function Vendor by mac lookup displays network equipment manufacturer.
-Flexible Setting the number of passes and timeouts network scanner to achieve ballansa between speed and reliability display.
-Ability To manually adjust the resolver names.
-Getting IP, MAC addresses and host names can be copied to the clipboard.
-You Can specify a range of port numbers, scanned port scanner.
-Port scanner recognizes all registered services.
-Intelligent scanning function of the scanner port (bust only registered ports).
-Full Base port numbers and their descriptions.

Additional features:
-Built IP calculator
-Built DNS resolver


Capturas de pantalla

  • Network Scanner Captura de pantalla
  • Network Scanner Captura de pantalla
  • Network Scanner Captura de pantalla
  • Network Scanner Captura de pantalla
  • Network Scanner Captura de pantalla
  • Network Scanner Captura de pantalla
  • Network Scanner Captura de pantalla
  • Network Scanner Captura de pantalla
  • Network Scanner Captura de pantalla
  • Network Scanner Captura de pantalla
  • Network Scanner Captura de pantalla
  • Network Scanner Captura de pantalla


