At long last a smartphone version of the foremost points textbook in the Western world – A Manual of Acupuncture by Peter Deadman & Mazin Al-Khafaji, with Kevin Baker – has arrived for Android!
We hope that you will enjoy the following features:
Every channel and extraordinary point from A Manual of Acupuncture textbook.
English and Chinese point names, point category, classification, location and location notes, illustration, needling instructions and cautions, actions, clinical application and combinations.
Each point includes Chinese tones, printed Chinese characters and calligraphy as well as audio of the Chinese pronunciation (by tapping the calligraphy).
Videos for every point with commentary showing location and needling technique.
Illustrations for all primary, luo-connecting, divergent and sinew channels, the eight extraordinary vessels and the body area illustrations.
All the main point categories (e.g. five shu points, xi-cleft points, back-shu points) for easy revision.
Create your own point groups which you can use to tailor study and reference.
Multiple Choice tests so you can test yourself on all points and point categories as well as self-created point groups.
All points listed anywhere in the App are live links allowing easy browsing/reference.
You can add your own notes to channel pathways and any specific aspect of points (e.g. location, location note, needling, etc) as well as the Point Location & Needling pages in the reference section.
Two search functions. One simply searches point name (English or pinyin) or point number. The other allows you to search the content of every point and, if you wish, specify which channel/vessel you want to search within, which field within a point (e.g. Actions, Clinical application, Needling) and whether you want to include your own notes in the search.
The 12 Cutaneous Regions and Areas Reached by the Channels.
Reference pages including: cun measurements, location and needling guidelines, indications index, glossary of terms
Registered users have the additional benefits of selecting whether to show or hide their notes within the App content, how many points to include in their tests and whether videos play continuously or individually. You can also backup your user data (notes, point groups and tests results) to our server – which means if you lose or break your device you can restore your data to a new one, and, if you have the App on more than one device you can synchronise your data to all your devices.
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