WildPapers - خلفيات تصوير الحياة البرية v1.0.2 [مصحح] [الأحدث]

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WildPapers - Wildlife Photography Wallpapers

WildPapers is a wallpaper app, created with the idea to provide you only unique wallpapers, photographed in India by our friend photographer Saptarshi Gayen.

Plan is to add new wallpapers once per two weeks, every Friday for some time. Later, we will add more walls once per month. All photographs are copyrighted so they are for PERSONAL USE ONLY!

WildPapers currently have 70 unique wallpapers, with a lot more to come!

All wallpapers are high quality, taken by our photographer and stored on cloud. Please note that thumbnail previews in the WildPapers wallpaper app are slightly lower quality than the actual images which you apply as wallpaper. In order to use our app, you need to have a stable internet connection!

Inside the WildPapers wallpaper app, you will find 3 tabs:

1. WildPapers
Inside this tab you will find all wallpapers, waiting to be applied directly from our app or downloaded to your device.

2. Collections
Inside this tab, you will find all wallpapers sorted by categories.

3. Favorites
Inside this tab, you can find all wallpapers you checked as favorite.

Refunds are possible only 2 hours after purchase and directly via Play store app! We don’t accept refund requests via email because of the ability to download our walls. Thank you for understanding!

If you like our wallpapers, please leave your review and help us spread the word about WildPapers!

We recommend to use these walls in combination with some of our icon packs and kwgt widgets. To see all our apps, visit our website: https://one4studio.com

If you have any questions or suggestions on how to improve WildPapers or what kind of wallpapers you would like to see in our app, please fell free to contact us via:
Twitter: www.twitter.com/One4Studio
Telegram group chat: t.me/one4studiochat
Email: info@one4studio.com

ما الجديد؟
– Fixes

معلومات الحزمة:
● Supported Languages: af, am, ar, ar-EG, as, az, be, bg, bn, bs, ca, cs, cs-CZ, da, de, de-DE, el, en-AU, en-CA, en-GB, en-IN, en-XC, es, es-419, es-ES, es-US, et, eu, fa, fi, fr, fr-CA, fr-FR, gl, gu, hi, hi-IN, hr, hu, hy, in, is, it, it-IT, iw, ja, ka, kk, km, kn, ko, ky, lo, lt, lv, mk, ml, mn, mr, ms, my, nb, ne, nl, nl-NL, or, pa, pl, pl-PL, pt, pt-BR, pt-PT, ro, ro-RO, ru, ru-RU, si, sk, sl, sq, sr, sr-Latn, sv, sv-SE, sw, ta, ta-IN, te, th, tl, tr, uk, uk-UA, ur, uz, vi, zh-CN, zh-HK, zh-TW, zu;
● بنية وحدة المعالجة المركزية المدعومة: لا يوجد;
● Supported Screen DPI: Ldpi, Mdpi, Tvdpi, Hdpi, Xhdpi, Xxhdpi, Xxxhdpi.

معلومات التعديل:
● لا حاجة إلى لاكي باتشر / جاسي باتشر / NFG-Multi-Crack & Google Play Modded Modded.
● إزالة جميع عناصر القائمة غير الضرورية مثل:
– Changelog, About, Donate, App Version, Dashboard Version.
● تمت إزالة خصائص خدمات التشغيل، والنقل، وقاعدة البيانات النارية.
● إزالة جميع مجلدات وملفات القمامة غير الضرورية.
● Duplicate Dpi Item Remove Like:
– Bar Length, Drawable Size, Gap Between Bars.
● Splits0 File Removed (Resources & AndroidManifest).
● Splits0 Releated Unnecessary Meta-Data Remove Like:
– Stamp Source, Stamp Type Standalone Apk, Android Vending Splits, Android Vending Derived Apk.
● Optimized PNG Save To 430 Kb.
● Optimized JPG Save To 81 Kb.
● إعادة ضغط الفئات.dex.dex والمكتبة.
● الرسومات المحسّنة/محاذاة الرمز البريدي.
● تمت إزالة معلومات التصحيح (المصدر، والخط، والباراما، والمقدمة، والمحلية).
● Total Apk Size 3.45 Mb

لا يحتوي هذا التطبيق على إعلانات

لقطات الشاشة

  • WildPapers - Wildlife Photos لقطة شاشة
  • WildPapers - Wildlife Photos لقطة شاشة
  • WildPapers - Wildlife Photos لقطة شاشة
  • WildPapers - Wildlife Photos لقطة شاشة
  • WildPapers - Wildlife Photos لقطة شاشة
  • WildPapers - Wildlife Photos لقطة شاشة
  • WildPapers - Wildlife Photos لقطة شاشة
  • WildPapers - Wildlife Photos لقطة شاشة


WildPapers – Wildlife Photography Wallpapers v1.0.2 [Patched] / المرآة

WildPapers – Wildlife Photography Wallpapers v1.0.0 [Patched] / المرآة