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Wave to Unlock and Lock

Wave Lock (Wave to Unlock) is the app useproximity sensor to lock and unlock screen by way wave your handover the proximity sensor. Protect power button on your phone.


✔ If you can unlock, please open settings and enable “Fix Unlock”function to retry
✔ When wave lock not working maybe wave lock service is killed bySystem or Clean Master app. Please try to check power manager onyour device I think can it set app in list power save this can make app not run stable

✔ On Xiaomi device. Please try to do the following tip tomake app run stable:
1. Open app
2. Open recent task
3. Drag and drop wave lock icon to bottom when wave lock icon will appear with icon lock

✔ Support multiple languages (English, Vietnamese, Swedish, Spanish, Russian, Greek, Italian, Polish, German)
✔ Wave hands over proximity sensor to lock and unlock screen
✔ In pocket(Do not turn on screen when to put your phone inpocket)
✔ Easy pause and play app via notification center.
✔ Disable in Landscape to avoid lock screen when playing game orwatching video
✔ Allow set sensitivity for proximity sensor
✔ Set time delay before lock screen

Press button “UNINSTALL” in the app. Or you have to go to”Settings—>Security—>Device administrators” to unchecked WaveLock administrator policy and after uninstalling Wave Lock app sameas normal way .

Wave Lock (Wave to Unlock) app free and every easy use. When touse app if you issue any error, please feedback for me
Setup and enjoy!!!


  • Wave to Unlock and Lock لقطة شاشة
  • Wave to Unlock and Lock لقطة شاشة
  • Wave to Unlock and Lock لقطة شاشة
  • Wave to Unlock and Lock لقطة شاشة
  • Wave to Unlock and Lock لقطة شاشة
  • Wave to Unlock and Lock لقطة شاشة
  • Wave to Unlock and Lock لقطة شاشة


Wave to Unlock and Lock v1.9.0.6 [Premium] / المرآة

Wave to Unlock and Lock v1.8.9.9 [Premium] / المرآة