مدير الأموال: تطبيق تعقب النفقات APK (Pro Unlocked)

Money Manager is a simple money management app for manage money and track your daily spending and expenses. Learn where you spend the money most with the assistance of our budget system could help you control the spending and saved more money. This free expense tracker app is not just only a spending tracker app that help you easily record your daily expense & income, there is also more feature to help easily track and manage all kind of financial stuff to make the process of bookkeeping easier.
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معلومات التعديل:

  • ميزات احترافية/مدفوعة غير مقفلة;
  • تم تعطيل/إزالة الأذونات غير المرغوب فيها + أجهزة الاستقبال + الموفرين + الخدمات;
  • رسومات مُحسَّنة ومُحسَّنة وموارد نظيفة لتحميل سريع;
  • تمت إزالة أذونات الإعلانات / الخدمات / الموفرين من AndroidManifest;
  • تمت إزالة روابط الإعلانات وإلغاء طرق الاستدعاء;
  • تم تعطيل رؤية تخطيطات الإعلانات;
  • تم تعطيل التحقق من حزمة تثبيت متجر Google Play Google Play Store للتثبيت;
  • تمت إزالة رمز التصحيح;
  • قم بإزالة اسم علامات .source الافتراضية لملفات java المقابلة;
  • تم تعطيل Analytics / Crashlytics / Firebase;
  • الوضع المتوافق مع AOSP;
  • اللغات: متعدد اللغات بالكامل;
  • وحدات المعالجة المركزية: بنية عالمية;
  • DPIs شاشة DPIs: 120 نقطة في البوصة، 160 نقطة في البوصة، 240 نقطة في البوصة، 320 نقطة في البوصة، 480 نقطة في البوصة، 640 نقطة في البوصة;
  • تم تغيير توقيع الطرد الأصلي;
  • إصدار بلاطان.


Money Manager is a simple money management app for manage money and track your daily spending and expenses. Learn where you spend the money most with the assistance of our budget system could help you control the spending and saved more money. This free expense tracker app is not just only a spending tracker app that help you easily record your daily expense & income, there is also more feature to help easily track and manage all kind of financial stuff to make the process of bookkeeping easier.

Money Manager makes managing finance as easy as pie! You could separate your work, family, personal finance with different account. Beside, you could customise the category depend on your personal needs. Don’t like the old one? Delete it and create new one!

With this expense manager, you can control your expense with budget and save more to reach specific financial goal.

Some key feature of this spending tracker and budget planner app:

– Total balance
Automatically calculate the total balance of all your wallet since the day you using this money management app so you don’t have to see the amount of the wallet anymore.

– View transaction and balance based on date
Get to know how much you earn or spend daily, weekly, monthly, yearly or even between two date to help you save the time perform calculation on the account book manually.

– Multiple account
Separate and manage work, personal, family with different account. You can have as many account as you like.

– Multiple wallet
Track cash flow from different bank, card, e-wallet, cash etc.

– Flexible category
Adapt the category based on your needs. Beside, fill your account book(Money Manager) with different colour to make it look fantastic.

– Statistic
Get insight about what your financial situation such as what have you spend with intuitive category.

– Budget
With this budget planner app, you can add a budget to control your spending and alert you once you reach the threshold

– Savings goal
Challenge yourself by set a goal and see wether you can achieve it on the expected date

– Debt
Record and remind yourself every transaction you owe to someone

– Password protection
Protect your financial record with 4-digit password

– Search feature
Easily look up for specific expense or income record with search functionality

-Export to CSV/Excel file
Backup or print the record from this expense tracker app by exporting into CSV or Excel file

Regardless you are in accounting field or just want to do great in financial management, this bookkeeping or best budgeting tracker app will be benefit you from one or more ways. Now you can be your own accountant even without single account book. Start track daily expenses by downloading this awesome best money management app now!

الوافدون الجدد

In this version(9.8.5)
- Various bug fixed
- Major bug fix for Android 15
