MAPS.ME APK + MOD (مميز)

Fast, detailed and entirely offline maps with turn-by-turn navigation – trusted by over 140 million travelers worldwide.
4.2/5 الأصوات: 1,253,974
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Google Play
الإبلاغ عن هذا التطبيق

معلومات التعديل:

  • AdFree / Paid features unlocked;
  • تم تعطيل/إزالة الأذونات غير المرغوب فيها + أجهزة الاستقبال + الموفرين + الخدمات;
  • رسومات مُحسَّنة ومُحسَّنة وموارد نظيفة لتحميل سريع;
  • تمت إزالة أذونات الإعلانات / الخدمات / الموفرين من Android.manifest;
  • تمت إزالة روابط الإعلانات وإلغاء طرق الاستدعاء;
  • تم تعطيل رؤية تخطيطات الإعلانات;
  • تم تعطيل التحقق من حزمة تثبيت متجر Google Play Google Play Store للتثبيت;
  • تمت إزالة رمز التصحيح;
  • قم بإزالة اسم علامات .source الافتراضية لملفات java المقابلة;
  • تم تعطيل Analytics / Crashlytics / Firebase;
  • تمت إزالة مجموعة أدوات تطوير البرمجيات SDK المجمعة لإعلانات فيسبوك بالكامل;
  • Remove Order Taxi from navigation start;
  • Send Statistic disabled by default;
  • Ads Offers disabled / removed;
  • لا توجد متتبعات أو إعلانات نشطة;
  • تمت إزالة التصادم الأصلي بالكامل;
  • اللغات: متعدد اللغات بالكامل;
  • وحدات المعالجة المركزية: armeabi-v7a, arm64-v8a, x86, x86_64;
  • DPIs شاشة DPIs: 120 نقطة في البوصة، 160 نقطة في البوصة، 240 نقطة في البوصة، 320 نقطة في البوصة، 480 نقطة في البوصة، 640 نقطة في البوصة;
  • تم تغيير توقيع الطرد الأصلي;
  • إصدار بلاطان.


Download APK

MAPS.ME is an application that provides users with a perfect travel experience. If you are a person who likes to travel to relax after a series of days at work, this is an application that you should not ignore.With this application, users will have a perfect offline experience with top features built in. You can use his one of his maps.

جدول المحتويات

Use Offline Maps

Roads can be a major obstacle for people who are often accustomed to traveling to new countries. But with MAPS.ME, you never have to worry about getting lost as the application provides highly detailed offline maps. With this map, your device does not need an internet connection, nor does it need to use mobile data to allow the application to download directions.

Built-in Navigation Options

As maps are created, the features integrated into them also play an important role for users. As a result, application makers have integrated features into their products that guide users directly on the map. Enter the location you want to go into the app and the app’s location feature will navigate you to your location anywhere in the world by car, on foot or by bike.

Become a Tour Guide

If you are a solo traveler and don’t have a tour guide with you on your trip, this is a great application. This application integrates various functions to become your travel guide to a new country. You must provide MAPS.ME with the destination of your itinerary. This application analyzes, researches and offers specific itineraries including various attractions.

Top Updateability

Also, one thing mapping applications need to be aware of is updateability. Different roads and locations around the world can change very fast and regularly. Therefore, the manufacturer also promises to always provide users with the latest updates so that they have the most up-to-date information about their cards.

لقطات الشاشة

  • MAPS.ME: Offline maps GPS Nav لقطة شاشة
  • MAPS.ME: Offline maps GPS Nav لقطة شاشة
  • MAPS.ME: Offline maps GPS Nav لقطة شاشة
  • MAPS.ME: Offline maps GPS Nav لقطة شاشة
  • MAPS.ME: Offline maps GPS Nav لقطة شاشة
  • MAPS.ME: Offline maps GPS Nav لقطة شاشة
  • MAPS.ME: Offline maps GPS Nav لقطة شاشة
  • MAPS.ME: Offline maps GPS Nav لقطة شاشة
  • MAPS.ME: Offline maps GPS Nav لقطة شاشة
  • MAPS.ME: Offline maps GPS Nav لقطة شاشة
  • MAPS.ME: Offline maps GPS Nav لقطة شاشة
  • MAPS.ME: Offline maps GPS Nav لقطة شاشة
  • MAPS.ME: Offline maps GPS Nav لقطة شاشة
  • MAPS.ME: Offline maps GPS Nav لقطة شاشة
  • MAPS.ME: Offline maps GPS Nav لقطة شاشة

الوافدون الجدد

This new version brings:

- The new Hub section features the best offers and discounts for travelers
- Travel guides with the best routes around the world
- Up-to-date traffic alerts on road events
- Brand new Bookmarks section design
- Brand new Search section design
- Updated Object card design with the ability to add your review
