مدير الملفات الرئيسي - مدير ومستكشف الملفات v1.2.7.4 [مجاني من الإعلانات] [الأحدث]

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File Master(Eksplorer&Manajer)

File Master is the home for all your files and folders. Automatically organized and searchable, you can find files fast and manage them easily.

* File Master is a powerful tool for managing files.
Manage your files(Images, Apps, Music)and folders, with cut,copy, move, rename, delete,compress and share operations.

* Custom you Homepage
[✔] Add folder to your favorite
[✔] Add Shortcut to Homepage
[✔] Choose tools you like,such as backup apps, wifi transfer
[✔] Show or hidden your recent files
[✔] Set your homepage to directory tree

* Quick manage files in Collections
Quick explore and manage by one tap:
[✔] Photo
[✔] Apps
[✔] Music
[✔] Video
[✔] Docs
[✔] Download
[✔] Apk
[✔] Archives

* Transfer Files without data need
Share or Transfer files to you friends easily without any traffic cost.

With the lightest and smartest File Master, enjoy you life more easily.
If you have any suggestions or advices, please contact us at filemaster.fb@gmail.com.

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File Master – Manager&Explorer v1.2.7.4 [Ad Free] / المرآة